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Francisco Tapia
Francisco Tapia


Enciklopedija živih religija: A Comprehensive Guide to the World's Major Faiths

Religion is one of the most important aspects of human culture and history. It shapes our values, beliefs, practices, and identities. It also influences our interactions with others, our understanding of the world, and our hopes for the future. But what do we really know about the diverse and complex religious traditions that exist around the globe? How can we learn more about them and appreciate their richness and diversity?

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One of the best resources for learning about living religions is the book Enciklopedija živih religija (Encyclopedia of Living Religions), published by Nolit in 2023. This book is a comprehensive guide to the world's major faiths, covering their origins, teachings, rituals, ethics, and contemporary challenges. It also includes chapters on topics such as religious pluralism, secularism, fundamentalism, mysticism, and spirituality. The book is written by a team of experts from various disciplines and backgrounds, who offer objective and balanced perspectives on each religion. The book is also richly illustrated with maps, photos, diagrams, and artworks that enhance the reader's understanding and appreciation of the religious phenomena.

The book is divided into four main sections: Western Religions, Eastern Religions, Indigenous Religions, and New Religious Movements. Each section contains chapters on specific religions or groups of religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Shinto, African Religions, Native American Religions, Scientology, and Baha'i. Each chapter follows a similar structure: an introduction that provides an overview of the religion and its main features; a historical section that traces the development of the religion from its origins to the present; a doctrinal section that explains the core beliefs and teachings of the religion; a ritual section that describes the main practices and ceremonies of the religion; an ethical section that discusses the moral values and principles of the religion; and a contemporary section that examines the current issues and challenges facing the religion in the modern world. Each chapter also includes a summary, a glossary of key terms, a list of further readings, and a set of questions for reflection or discussion.

The book is intended for a wide audience of readers who are interested in learning more about living religions. It can be used as a textbook for courses on world religions or comparative religion in schools or universities. It can also be used as a reference book for researchers or journalists who need reliable and up-to-date information on various religious traditions. Moreover, it can be used as a source of inspiration and insight for anyone who wants to explore their own spirituality or understand the spirituality of others.

If you want to get a copy of this book, you can download it as a PDF file from [this link]. You can also listen to an audio version of this book on [SoundCloud]. Alternatively, you can order a hardcover or paperback edition from [Knjižare Vulkan], one of the largest online bookstores in Serbia.

We hope that this article has sparked your curiosity and interest in living religions. We invite you to read Enciklopedija živih religija and discover the fascinating world of faiths that shape our humanity.

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