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Grupa Okiem Szamana

Publiczna·11 uczestników

Groin Tarasov
Groin Tarasov

Crypto Redi Pc 50 A Driver VERIFIED !!TOP!!

- Daily efforts ensured 55 AMXS' win of the 2005 ACC Maintenance Effectiveness Award--promotion earned! - DCC on two acft; spearheaded 99 HS/OS flts/earned Top Wrench award in June 07'--superior BTZ candidate - Dedicated Crew Chief on 80-0172; maintained assigned acft at 92% FMC Jun-Aug--obliterated 80% CAF std - Dedicated Flight Chief; ensures personnel trained and knowledgeable of AFI's; 100% QA pass rates for personnel- Dedicated to trng--compl'd CFETP 7-level core tasks/CDCs ahead of 4 month schedule--increased unit productivity- Dedicated to tng; accomplished all req'd CFETP core tasks 8 mos ahead of schedule--incrs'd unit's 7-level capes 10%- Demo'd expertise on red-ball; plt'd t/s'g & interface unit r2/halfed std fix time--launched on-time/fwd-dply'd 8 SOC trps - Demonstrated exceptional ability; chosen over 53 fellow Airmen in flight as NCO of the Quarter--promote now - Demonstrated extensive diesel generator knowledge; troubleshot engine malfunction to faulty voltage regulator - Demonstrated precise TO compliance; 9/9 QA evaluations/zero defects--reinforced 98% pass rate 1st quarter of FY15 - Demonstrated core values; exceptional knowledge, skill, ability; safety minded; 0 tech data violations, 0 DSV's - Deployed 132 days to Al Dhafra AB, UAE; led mx spt of 216 ATO's/2.7K cmbt flt hrs--destroyed 6.2K ISIL targets- Deployed 67 days--mx effort led to 83.7% MC rate 10% over AF std--secured valuable intel for CENTAF/CC - Deployed 67 days; earned 100% QA eval pass rate/follow-ups--instrumental in 55 AMU's 96.73% pass rate - Deployed 93 days to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar--contributed to 168 combat sorties/1,638 flight hrs in the AOR - Deployed CDDAR tm leader; responded to 7 IFEs/cleared rwy in ACC std - Directly contributed to Ex RED FLAG 12-4; ID'd/R2'd damaged right flap--yielded 166 sorties/393 flight hrs - Directly contributed to RED FLAG Exer 12-4 166 sorties/393 flying hrs--recognized as "Superior Performer" - Directly supported President Ford memorial flyover; dedicated driver--sustained 30 aircraft sortie generations - Disc'd delaminated rudder; removed/facilitated repair/installed 8 hrs...saved 18 manhours/flew code 1 next 3 flts- Discovered strut leak on aircraft postflight insp--assisted hydraulic shop repack strut--ensured on-time launch - Discovered three loose engine inlet rivets; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $1.5M asset - Discovered throttle cable FO; saved 20+ man-hours--prevented removal of seats/hatches/center isle stand - Discovered two brakes leaking hydr fluid; orchestrated repairs--acft met quick turn/contributed to 8.5K flt hrs - Discovered worn tire/expedited replacement on quick-turn--readied a/c for critical on-time continuation sortie - Discovered/corrected improperly safety-wired air cycling motor oil cap--saved AF $23K in replacement parts - Discovered/rem'd throttle cable FO; prevented removal of seats/hatches/center isle stand--saved 20 man-hrs - Discovered/removed FO in stabilizer actuator; prevented potential loss of flight control/damage to acft/crew - Discovered/replaced corroded nose wheel spacers during pre-flt insp--prevented nose gear steering failure - Discovered/replaced defective gear axle spacer--evaded possible axle damage--saved AF $42K/12 hrs of mx - Discovered/replaced defective starter control valve during acft launch--quick actions enabled HHQ tasking - Discovered/replaced leaking spoiler actuator return hose; adverted loss of hydraulic sys; ensured on-time launch - Discovered/replaced worn tire during preflight insp--launched acft on-time for IRAQI FREEDOM combat msn - Discovered/rpr'd #2/3 prop blade leaks; trnd 3 Amn on reseal/assy of hub/blade--evaded $186K/70-man-hrs overhaul - Dispatched 8K+ pieces of AGE; pre-positioned to support 336 FS--key to completion of 13K+ flying hours - Dispatched for flt line assist; verified fan turbine blade nick in limits...negated engine removal/saved 140 man-hrs - Dispatched to damaged brake crossover cable--replaced cable; airdrop msn complete/ensured aircrew safety - Dispatched to LAIRCM malfunction; ID'd/R2'd inop laser turret--aided transfer of 2 MRAP armor kits to FOB - Displayed professionalism above peers/towards assigned duties; ready for added challenges--promote to SrA! - Distinguished member ISO Inspection team; key role in ISO Dock earning "Top Notch MXG traveling trophy - Diverse maintainer; assisted wpns flt w/gunbay FO search/found screw--prevented possible 24 hr acft impound - Dominant C-40 FCC; crewed 10 msns/ramrodded 133 all-sys tasks/val'd 5 chkrides--dlvr'd 4 DVs to 17 multinat'l confs - Dply'd Debrief NCOIC; analyzed data input accuracy--1.3K msns generated...15K pax/48K tons of cgo moved- Dply'd in OIR; first 8-wks 358 munitions dropped, 360 sorties flown, 1.2K flt hrs--supt'd coalition in ISIS destruction - Dply'd iso SABER STRIKE; fixed 4 msn crit items/32 mx actions--enhanced rdns f/18K & lrgst US dplymt since CW - Dress and appearance above reproach; garnered Flight Chief's "Sharp Troop" award, Nov 06--NCO to emulate - Driven self-improvement; earned six credits toward Bachelor of Science in Business Finance--promote now - Driven; completed 478 QA inspections/authored 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction - Driven; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll" - Dropped 40 tracks; 40 link-16 capable a/c enhanced visual of contact point; 40 TICs & PRIs supported - Drove 115 sched mx tasks/zero late; keyed unit's 3.3K sorties CY17/F-35 best--FW awd'd AF Outstanding Unit Awd - Drove 1st F-35 WDE TDY; gen'd/recovered 6 acft/100 prsnl--instrumental to 1st OT AMRAAM live fire msn - Drove six programs; earned "Honor Role" rating by Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team inspectors - Dynamic Assistant Dedicated Crew Chief; expertly launched 1,115 sorties/catalyst to 95% msn effectiveness - Dynamic ldr/technician; 55th MXG NCO Maint Professional Qtr/Jan--Mar FY '07--promotion well deserved! - Dynamic technician; overcame multiple challenges--key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate--recent promotion deserved

Crypto Redi Pc 50 A Driver VERIFIED

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